
AI Trading Bots: How I Doubled My Money with Zero Trading Experience

valuezone 28 February 2024

AI Trading Bots: How I Doubled My Money with Zero Trading Experience

Discovering the World of AI Trading Bots

Everyone seems to be talking about AI trading bots lately, and I’m here to share my experience of setting one up in just under two minutes. So, what exactly is a trading bot? In essence, it’s a computer program that executes buy and sell orders on my behalf, allowing me to trade even while I sleep.

It’s fascinating how these AI trading bots can manage your trading operations, but it’s crucial to remember that all forms of leverage trading come with their risks. Therefore, practicing risk management is key, and the market needs to move in your favor for these AI trading bots to truly work out for you.

Choosing the Right Platform for AI Trading Bots

For my journey into the world of AI trading bots, I chose Bitget due to their impressive selection of bots and the simplicity of their setup. The process began with selecting the bot icon at the top of the screen, moving to the overview, and then highlighting the bots that caught my interest.

For this demonstration, I opted for the Futures Martingale strategy. This strategy is intriguing because it automatically sets orders lower down to increase my position size as the market pulls back. I opened up a BTC bot, which, albeit moving slowly, started to show some profit.

Exploring Advanced Strategies with AI Trading Bots

Today, my attention shifted towards AVAX, believing it could potentially rise with the market in the next week or two. The platform presented a whole selection of AI trading bots, ranging from aggressive to conservative.

Opting for an aggressive bot, known for its potential high returns and corresponding high risk, I was drawn to how these AI trading bots could strategically place orders. The Martingale strategy, in particular, caught my eye as it adds to your position during drawdowns or when the price pulls back. In the case of AVAX, it added five orders lower down, ensuring purchases all the way down to 19.9.

Setting Up My AI Trading Bot

Upon deciding to invest $11,000 into AVAX through this AI trading bot, I was prompted to enter the amount and confirm the creation of my bot. It was thrilling to see it start to tick along. However, the setup wasn’t complete without adjusting my stop-loss and take-profit areas. These settings are crucial for managing risk and ensuring profitability.

I chose a 20% take profit and a 6% stop-loss, positioning the latter under the previous low indicated by a deep candle on the 21st of November. This meticulous setup underscores the importance of understanding trading terminologies and strategies, much of which I learned through a trading school that helped demystify this lingo.

The Results of My AI Trading Bot Adventure

After four days, the results were in — my AVAX trading bot was up by 20%, a testament to the power of the Martingale strategy and AI trading bots when the market conditions are favorable. This experience not only showcased the potential of AI trading bots but also highlighted the importance of choosing the right strategy and being mindful of market movements.

For those interested in exploring the world of AI trading bots, starting with a platform like Bitget can be a great way to dive in, especially with the added incentive of sign-up bonuses. This journey into AI trading bots has been both educational and potentially profitable, offering insights into the sophisticated strategies that can be employed with the help of technology.